RJ Morelli
Lead Pastor
He and his wife Traci, came to Temple Baptist in 2014 and he has served as the lead pastor since. He has served in pastorate roles since 1997, and has served as an instructor at Tabernacle Baptist Bible College. They have two sons, Cody - who has proudly completed service in the United States Marine Corp, and Tyler, who lives in Florida with his wife Amber and daughter Evelyn.

TJ Becki
Associate Pastor
TJ and his wife Makayla came to serve at Temple Baptist in 2023. As RJ's assistant, he also leads the youth ministries of the church. Being new to vocational ministry, he is thankful for the opportunity to serve the Lord Jesus Christ full time and to help build the next generation of the local church.

Herb Hutchinson
Pastor Emeritus
Served as the pastor of Temple Baptist Church for over 30 years. He and his wife Helen travel to other churches helping encourage their missions programs through preaching and singing at missions conferences. When they are not traveling, they continue to serve and encourage the congregation here.